Is Your Business name important?

Today, my project development led me back, again,  to the place I believe I should have begun.   I’ve been coming up with a name for my start-up. I keep stumbling over roadblocks, preventing a name to stick.  Although some of those obstacles could be due to indecision, other obstacles are out of my control.  Surely other people can relate and hopefully I can help.

To me, it seems like I often travel in circles until the information I am learning hits me.  It has been no different when it comes to finding a name. Sometimes the name is not available either as a business or domain due to the fact that another has claimed it for their own.  In my company brand name, I really want to come up with a catchy, easy to remember (preferably short) , and relevant to the service I offer. In my research I have figured out that it can take a little while to name a business, and it is never worth settling.

Starting your own business and learning how to do it properly is a huge process. The thing is so many other thoughts running through my head about the company and about its purpose to begin with.  For me personally. naming the company can come long after the first, incomplete vision about your creation.   My brand name I realize now, is an extremely vital decision and must be created carefully.

One thing I’ve begun doing is referencing a thesaurus and dictionary.  A word like “ brand”, for instance.   This word is quite popular, but there are many other terms meaning the same thing.    If  a word is already being used you can look up that word (“brand”) in the thesaurus, and find many other words that mean the same thing.  For example, I was looking up the word “brand” I found “footprint”,  “product”,  and “impression”.   These are all good terms for the word brand however brand is shorter, making it more popular choice among web users. When considering a web domain the shorter the better.  So you have found other words. Go even deeper into it.  Look at the word impression next.  There are so many words that mean the same thing as impression some of them shorter than brand.  It’s actually kind of fun  doing this because while I naming  my company I am also expanding my vocabulary, making me a better writer and speaker.

I have to say, I have not found the name of my company yet. But I know it’ll come to me soon.  In the mean time,  I am discovering the tools necessary  to develop and keep up a successful business.

So don’t get discouraged if the name doesn’t come to you right away. I also don’t be discouraged if you have to change several times. I’ve bought seven  domains that are Undeveloped, due to impulsive decisions Regarding the name of my business.  I would recommend getting free domains until you are sure that the name is right.

Because of the self motivated method of learning I’m using  to learn entrepreneurship,  sometimes the information doesn’t come to me in any sequenced manner. But I can’t say one thing, coming up with a brand-name that is going to catch people’s eyes and make them want to see what my company has  to offer  is essential and necessary before promoting your product   The goal is to get people interested enough to come through the door and look at what behind it.  If they are impressed with the content provided, my company has a new customer.

Thank you for reading this I hope it has been some help to you. I am just a real girl learning how to run a business without any earlier education and loving every minute of it. So don’t take everything I say to heart just use it as a tool to maybe plant the idea in your head that you need to research further.